P: 714-371-9000 Fax: 714-730-2720
P: 714-371-9000 Fax: 714-730-2720
Dr. Dominguez, specializes in the diagnosis, treatment and management of chronic pain conditions. Dr. Dominguez has been in practice since 1991 in Orange and Los Angeles County since 2003. He is Board-Certified by the American Board of Pain Medicine and by the American Board of Anesthesiology
Check out this video of Dr. D.
Dr. Dominguez, se dedica al diagnosis y tratamiento de el manejo de dolor cronico.
Dr. Dominguez ha estado en practica desde 1991 en el condado de Orange y Los Angeles desde 2003. El esta Certifificado por varios Asociaciones; American Board of Pain Medicine y American Board of Anesthesiology.
Silvia Delgado: Register Nurse/ Charge Nurse is in charge of Quality Management and assisting the doctor in performing procedures. She has been working with Dr. Dominguez since 2008. Silvia loves to travel, fine dine and spend time with her family.
Erika Guerrero: Medical Assistant / Front Office Manager. Erika has been working for Dr. Dominguez since 2018. She is the first person you will see as you walk into our office and welcomes you with a big smile. Erika on her spare time loves to shop and spend time with kids.
Gisela Martinez: Medical Assistant/ Director of Surgical and Technical services. She is also the Administrative Assistant of the practice. She has been with Dr. Dominguez since 2008. Gisela on her spare time loves bowling and spend family quality time.
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